Reactor Simulation

I was checking out the different kinds of simulations that can be done using 3Ds Max's reactor(havok) without the use of external plugins.Here are some of them (click on the links to watch):

Rag-doll and Rigid-Body Simulation
                Took about 55 minutes to render using scanline.The model of the soldier is a downloaded one but i rigged it using the biped. Also all constraints for the rag-doll were done by hand and not using the script used here.The biped as well as the entire scene was made into a rigid body collection and simulated using reactor.
Simulation time - 10 minutes.

              To create the object as a soft body i added a reactorSoftBody modifier to it and then added it to the SBCollection.Then i made all the other objects as rigid bodies and simulated using reactor.Simulation time - 3minutes.

              Done using Water space warp for reactor.

            To create the object as a cloth i added a reactorCloth modifier to it and then added it to the CLCollection.After that i made all the other objects as rigid bodies and simulated using reactor.Simulation time - 2 minutes.

          I first created a spline then added a reactorCloth modifier to it and added it to the RPCollection.After that i made all the ball as rigid body by adding it to the RBCollection and simulated using reactor.Simulation time - 45 sec. 

Toy Car
           Created a simple toy car using a box for the chassis and 4 cylinders for wheels.Then i added a Toy Car Helper and added the chassis and wheels to it. Then i created a road and added all the 6 objects to a RBCollection and simulated using reactor.Simulation time - 45 sec. 

Note:Will post tutorials for all of the above soon.


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