Quadrocopter - Part 5 - Paisa Ye Kaisa

 Here go a few updates on the quadcopter (CPUV) project. As mentioned in my previous post I will be using the Wii Motion Plus and  Wii Nunchuck for the IMU of the quadcopter to keep it stable.I ordered both of them recently from eBay and they just got delivered. Also i needed a micro-controller to manage the quadcopter's movements so i ordered an ATMEGA328 with an Arduino bootloader on it, again from eBay. I also ordered a spare battery , and a Hobby-King 6-Channel 2.4GHz FHSS Transmitter and Receiver from RCHobbyAddict.

I shall explain i detail all these component choices in detail once i get the quadcopter to fly and write a complete build log along with the schematics and components.

Now that i have purchased almost all the major components required for the quadcopter i just wanted to give the estimated cost of the entire project for someone looking to build one:

Brushless DC Motors - EMAX 282250542020
Brushless ESC - EMAX 18A88943556
Prop Savers614244
Propellers - 9x6E1121672
Adapter 12V 5A4501450
Li-Po Balance Charger221212212
Connectors(Bullet,Berg etc.)--250
RF - 2.4GHz FHSS 6Ch Tx & Rx325013250
LED Strips (RGBW) - 12 LEDs in Each1204480
ATMEGA328 - Arduino 3351335
Wii Motion Plus107511075
Wii Nunchuck 4901490
Lipo Battries 3S1P 2200mah 20C122522450
Small Electronics--200
Misc(Glue,Tape,Shipping etc.)--500

Total : 18,634

Links to part 1 ,part 2 ,part 3 & part 4


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