GetVidya - Sambhav 2013
For the past 8-9 months i have been working with an NGO called "GetVidya". This is an awesome organization full of enthusiastic people who want to work towards making a difference in the world.The main charter of the organization currently is to provide basic education to autistic children. To promote awareness for the same we have organized an event on the 7th of April 2013. Here is the poster.
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Sambhav is a humble start by GetVidya trust to commemorate the World Autism Awareness Day. This event will focus on empowering people with the information that can equip them to better handle Autism related conditions. Sambhav – meaning “it’s possible” is a medium to demonstrate that special children are equally able.
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Sambhav is a humble start by GetVidya trust to commemorate the World Autism Awareness Day. This event will focus on empowering people with the information that can equip them to better handle Autism related conditions. Sambhav – meaning “it’s possible” is a medium to demonstrate that special children are equally able.