
Showing posts from May, 2011

Quadrocopter - Part 6 - Bringing Balance to the Force

Its been about 2 weeks since i posted anything.So here are a few updates.The quadrocopter design is finally complete(well sort of) and so is the flight computer. The sensors (Wii Motion+  and Nunchuck) are here. They seem to be working. The ATMEGA328 (Arduino based) which is the main component of the flight computer also arrived about a week ago and worked flawlessly. This is all pretty cool but the main news is that I've finally ditched the name CPUV because i realized it sucked and now im going to name (Warning : Star Wars reference coming up) it "The Force". The flight computer is called Luke as it shall bring balance to the Force. Any more Star Wars references are welcome. Ok now that my moment of insanity is over , here are the designs: Right now I'm building the pyramid (reminds me of my very first blog post ) on top of the quadrocopter.I might try to change the ring i used for the base to something smaller when i actually start building the landing gear bu